Your profile & metrics


Your Profile

If you would like to update any of your personal information, you can access your profile by doing the following:

  1. Click on your account name, from the top-right hand corner of the header areas.

  2. Select and click the “Edit Profile” option.

From here you will be able to add and change the following:

  • Name and email address

  • Username

  • Profile picture

  • Password


Under each of your guidebooks, you will see 3 icons that represent the different metrics associated with each guide.

Heart icon
The heart icon represents the number of times your guidebook has been saved by other users.

Eyeball icon
The eye icon tells you how many times this guidebook has been viewed by users other than yourself.

Arrow icon
The arrow represents how many times your guidebook has been shared by users other than yourself.

Note: The metrics for your own guide do not increase upon your own actions. If you view or share your own guidebook, these numbers do not increase. They only do so when other users save, view, or share your guide.


Sharing & exploring guidebooks